
This tradition is usually associated with Hispanic weddings, and originated in Spain. It is a simple ceremony where the Groom gives the Bride thirteen coins (either gold or silver) to represent his responsibility as a provider, and his trust in his Bride with his material possessions. Usually a few words or vows are exchanged. Her reception of the coins symbolizes her dedication and responsibility in looking after these possessions. The coins can also represent different values that the couple want to share between themselves as pictures on these gold coins: Love, Harmony, Cooperation, Commitment, Peace, Happiness, Trust, Respect, Caring, Wisdom, Joy, Wholeness, Nurturing.


Officiant: May these coins be a symbol of Groom and Bride’s mutual love, fidelity and trust.

Groom: I, Groom, give you Bride these 13 coins as a symbol of my unquestionable trust and confidence I place in you as my beloved wife. As we united our lives today I share all material responsibility with you.

Bride: I, Bride, accept these coins and assure you of my total love and dedication in looking after you, your possessions and my unconditional love.