Ceremony Order


Musical Prelude:

The music that is playing as your guests are seated


This marks the beginning of the ceremony, and typically includes the entrance of the parents and the Wedding Party

Welcome & Opening Words:

The Officiant gives a basic introduction to the wedding ceremony

Family & Guest Affirmations:

Questions asked so people can affirm their support for the couple


The Officiant or a guest may read a selection of the couple’s choice. Readings are not required in a wedding, but add uniqueness and “personality” to the ceremony

Inspirational Thoughts by Officiant:

Our Officiants are prepared and excited to share a few brief thoughts with each couple to inspire and motivate them as they enter into marriage

Statement of Intent:

Also known as the commitment statement, the part in the ceremony where you agree to marry the person you're standing with

Vow Exchange:

This is when the couple has opportunity during the ceremony to express their love and make promises to each other.  Couples are welcome to write their own vows, or can use pre-written standardized vows

Ring Meaning:

Words spoken by the Officiant in preparation for the Ring Exchange

Ring Exchange:

Words spoken by the couple as they exchange rings with one another

Signing of License:

This is the part of the ceremony when the Marriage License is signed by the couple, two witnesses and the Officiant.  Most couples choose to have music playing during this segment

Ceremonial Element:

Couples are welcome to include a special element in their wedding ceremony if they wish. These are symbolic rituals which come from any one of many different traditions and can add something unique to the wedding.


The Officiant will give direction to guests for what will happen immediately after the ceremony. Announcements often include details about group photos, cocktails, and the upcoming schedule of events

Closing Words:

An opportunity for a reading which expresses best wishes for the couple as they embark on their marriage journey

Declaration and Kiss:

This is a standardized statement by the Officiant in which the couple is declared legally married, and is usually followed by a celebratory kiss

Presentation of Couple:

This is a statement made by the Officiant at the very end of the ceremony which introduces the newly married couple to the guests


When the Wedding Party walks down the aisle and exits the ceremony space

Musical Postlude:

The music played as the guests leave the ceremony space after the Wedding Party has walked down the aisle