our wedding CEREMONY

Resources for personalizing your wedding ceremony


Here are a few instructions for completing your ceremony script:

1. Examine all the elements of a ceremony on the Ceremony Order page.

2. You get to choose everything you want to include in your wedding ceremony.  The ceremony can be as simple as you want.  It can be as long or as short as you want.  Also, your ceremony can have as much or as little religious content as you desire.

3. Examine all the elements in a ceremony so you can learn what you want to include.  From the menu, you can access all kinds of information on each and every element.

4. Vows can be written by you, or you are welcome to use any of the options on the website.  You can even "cut and paste" from multiple options if you like part of one, and part of another.

5. When you have decided on all your selections and are ready to create your wedding ceremony, go to the Create a Script page.  When you click the link, this will open a form in a new browser so you can input all your choices from this website into the form (all in one sitting).

6. When complete, click "submit" and wait for a confirmation that says your submissions have been sent.  That information will be forwarded to your Officiant, and will be used to format your wedding.

Plan to have this entire process done at least six weeks before your wedding. The process is very straightforward and hopefully will be fun as you make your selections.  Most people are not familiar with all that goes into a wedding ceremony - we try to make the process easy and fun, so you end up with a ceremony that fits your style and personality.

NB: Remember to purchase your Ontario Marriage License up to 3 months before your ceremony (they are good for 90 days).

Director: Trish Shenker

Phone/Text: 519.221.8460

Email: trishofficiant@gmail.com

Follow Us on Instagram at: Our Wedding Officiant